It’s the countdown to the biggest event on my social calendar – The GLAMOUR Awards. It takes us six months of planning and many tears and tantrums (only some of them mine) to make this a night to remember. We fly the A-list over from Hollywood and charm London’s glitterati with gallons of free champagne. Of course in the midst of all this celebrityness, there is one mammoth question: WHAT TO WEAR??? Each year I’m faced with this dilemma. Of course I don’t want to out-glam the stars (a floor-length spangly number is seriously desperate), but with a motto of “never knowingly underdressed” I don’t like to play it too safe either. On top of this I also flit between the two sides of my character – do I go classic and demure a la Jackie or release my inner vixen as a homage to Marilyn? A charming, flirty skirt or a dress so tight it has to be peeled off later? Here are some of my former choices (navy Philip Lim 3:1 and fuchsia pink Michael Kors). Any suggestions gratefully received…
No chance of fancy dress then?? Catwomen maybe.