Tuesday 31 August 2010


I made my first batch of ice cream yesterday! I didn't start with the lavender and honey (soon!), but a simple and surprisingly delicious fresh mint. Seriously, had I known it was this easy to make something that tasted this good, I'd have started years ago! I have mint overflowing from my herb garden so this was the perfect use for it and served with gooey homemade brownies, it was a deliciously refreshing addition. But don't take my word for it...

Fresh Mint Ice Cream
500g whole milk

500g double cream

130g caster sugar

100g fresh mint leaves and stalks

Heat the milk, cream, sugar and all of the mint in a large pan until the sugar has dissolved and the ingredients are on the brink of boiling.

Take off the heat and leave to cool (you want the mixture to cool as quickly as poss so it's a good idea to plunge the saucepan into a sink of cold water).

Strain out the mint and put the rest of the mixture in a bowl, cover and refrigerate for at least four hours.

Place into an ice cream maker and churn for approx 30 minutes. Voila!

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